Monthly Archives: April 2016



This wednesday, library will be open, librarians will be there for hangouts and conversations. Some of us also brought some new zines from a recent short visit to other places. So, come over Wednesday. We will be there from 17:00 to 20:00.


Miercurea aceasta, biblioteca va fi deschisă, iar bibliotecarii vor fi acolo pentru poveşti sau petrecut timpul împreună. Unii dintre noi au adus nişte zine noi în urma unei scurte vizite prin alte zone. Aşadar, haideţi miercuri. Vom fi acolo de la 17:00 la 20:00.

Spring is here…so…

Since these days it has been weirdly warm, today Rizom will be open, but we will crawl out of the basement and hang around in the yard.  So join us if you feel like it from 17 to 19 and let’s get that free vitamin D.

Avand in vedere faptul ca a fost reasteptat de cald zilele acestea, Rizom va fi deschis. Iesim din beci si stam prin curte. Asa ca, daca aveti chef haideti de la 17 la 19 sa stam in soare.

RIZOM OPEN: WEDNESDAY 06/APR – 17:00-19:00.